
Runtime.create_store_from_buffer(self, Type dtype, shape: Shape | Collection[int], data, bool read_only) LogicalStore#

Creates a Legate store from a Python object implementing the Python buffer protocol.

  • dtype (Type) – Type of the store’s elements

  • shape (Shape | Collection[int]) – Shape of the store

  • data (object) – A Python object that implements the Python buffer protocol

  • read_only (bool) – Whether the buffer of the passed object should be treated read-only or not. If False, any changes made to the store will also be visible via the Python object.


Logical store attached to the buffer of the passed object

Return type:



BufferError – If the passed object does not implement the Python buffer protocol


It’s the callers’ responsibility to make sure that buffers passed to this function are never partially aliased; i.e., Python objects A and B passed to this function must be backed by either the exact same buffer or two non-overlapping buffers. The code will exhibit undefined behavior in the presence of partial aliasing.