Legate.STL Reference#
- group stl-concepts
template<typename StoreLike>
concept logical_store_like# - #include <legate/experimental/stl/detail/stlfwd.hpp>
A type
when it exposes alegate::LogicalStore
via theget_logical_store
customization point.requires(StoreLike& storeish, legate::LogicalStore& lstore, stl::mdspan_for_t<StoreLike> span, legate::PhysicalStore& pstore) { { get_logical_store(storeish) } -> std::same_as<LogicalStore>; { StoreLike::policy::logical_view(lstore) } -> std::ranges::range; { StoreLike::policy::physical_view(span) } -> std::ranges::range; { StoreLike::policy::size(pstore) } -> legate::coord_t; { StoreLike::policy::partition_constraints(iteration_kind{}) } -> tuple-like; { StoreLike::policy::partition_constraints(reduction_kind{}) } -> tuple-like; };
See also
template<typename Reduction>
concept legate_reduction# - #include <legate/experimental/stl/detail/stlfwd.hpp>
A concept describing the requirements of a reduction operation that can be used with the
algorithms.A reduction is characterized by the following three things:
operationAn identity value
is used to apply the reduction operation to a pair of values, modifying the first value in-place.fold
is used to combine two values into an accumulator that can then be passed as the second argument to theapply
operation. Thefold
operation must be reflexive, transitive, and symmetric.fold
, likeapply
, modifies the first parameter in-place.The following relations must hold for the three reduction components:
apply(apply(x, y), z)
is functionally equivalent toapply(x, fold(y, z))
.apply(x, identity)
unchanged.fold(x, identity)
if therequires
clause below istrue
:requires (Reduction red, typename Reduction::LHS& lhs, typename Reduction::RHS& rhs) { { Reduction::template apply<true>(lhs, std::move(rhs)) } -> std::same_as<void>; { Reduction::template apply<false>(lhs, std::move(rhs)) } -> std::same_as<void>; { Reduction::template fold<true>(rhs, std::move(rhs)) } -> std::same_as<void>; { Reduction::template fold<false>(rhs, std::move(rhs)) } -> std::same_as<void>; typename std::integral_constant<typename Reduction::LHS, Reduction::identity>; typename std::integral_constant<int, Reduction::REDOP_ID>; }
See also
- group stl-views
template<typename ElementType, std::int32_t Dim>
using mdspan_t = std::mdspan<ElementType, std::dextents<coord_t, Dim>, std::layout_right, detail::MDSpanAccessor<ElementType, Dim>># An alias for
with a custom accessor that allows elementwise access to alegate::PhysicalStore
.- Template Parameters:
ElementType – The element type of the
.Dim – The dimensionality of the
using element_policy = detail::ElementPolicy#
A policy for use with
that creates a flat view of all the elements of the store.
using row_policy = detail::RowPolicy#
A policy for use with
that slices a logical store along the row (0th) dimension.Note
The elements of the resulting range are logical stores with one fewer dimension than the original store.
using column_policy = detail::ColumnPolicy#
A policy for use with
that slices a logical store along the column (1st) dimension.Note
The elements of the resulting range are logical stores with one fewer dimension than the original store.
template<std::int32_t... ProjDims>
using projection_policy = detail::ProjectionPolicy<ProjDims...># A policy for use with
that slices a logical store alongProjDims...
The elements of the resulting range are logical stores with N fewer dimensions than the original store, where N is
template<typename ElementType, std::int32_t Dim, typename SlicePolicy>
using slice_view = detail::slice_view_t<ElementType, Dim, SlicePolicy># A view of a logical store, sliced along some specified dimenstion(s), resulting in a 1-dimensional range of logical stores.
- Template Parameters:
ElementType – The element type of the underlying logical store.
Dim – The dimensionality of the underlying logical store.
SlicePolicy – A type that determines how the logical store is sliced into a range. Choices include
, andprojection_policy
template<typename ElementType, std::int32_t Dim>
- group stl-algorithms
template<typename Range>
void fill(
)# Fills the given range with the specified value.
This function fills the elements in the range [begin, end) with the specified value. The range must be a logical store-like object, meaning it supports the necessary operations for storing values. The value to be filled is specified by the
parameter.- Example:
// Declare a 3-dimensional logical store and fill it with the value 42. stl::logical_store<int, 3> store{{100, 200, 300}}; stl::fill(store, 42); // store's elements are now all 42
- Parameters:
output – The range to be filled.
val – The value to fill the range with.
template<typename Function, typename ...Inputs>
void for_each_zip(
)# Applies the given function
with elements of each of the input sequencesins
as function arguments.This function launches a Legate task that applies the provided function
element-wise to the pack of rangesins
.- Examples:
// Element-wise addition of two logical stores. stl::logical_store<int, 2> store1 = {{1, 2, 3, 4}, // {2, 3, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 5, 6}}; stl::logical_store<int, 2> store2 = {{3, 4, 5, 6}, // {2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; // `a` and `b` refer to the elements of `store1` and `store2`. auto fn = [] LEGATE_HOST_DEVICE(int& a, int& b) { a += b; }; stl::for_each_zip(fn, store1, store2); // store1 now contains: // { // {4, 6, 8, 10}, // {4, 6, 8, 10}, // {4, 6, 8, 10} // }
// Row-wise operation on two logical stores. stl::logical_store<int, 2> store1 = {{1, 2, 3, 4}, // {2, 3, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 5, 6}}; stl::logical_store<int, 2> store2 = {{3, 4, 5, 6}, // {2, 3, 4, 5}, {1, 2, 3, 4}}; // `a` and `b` are `mdspan` objects refering to the rows of `store1` // and `store2`. auto fn = [] LEGATE_HOST_DEVICE(auto&& a, auto&& b) { for (std::ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < a.extent(0); ++i) { a(i) += b(i); } }; stl::for_each_zip(fn, stl::rows_of(store1), stl::rows_of(store2)); // store1 now contains: // { // {4, 6, 8, 10}, // {4, 6, 8, 10}, // {4, 6, 8, 10} // }
- Parameters:
fn – The function object to apply with each set of elements.
ins – The input sequences to iterate over.
- Pre:
The number of input sequences must be greater than 0.
The input sequences must satisfy the
concept.The input sequences must have the same shape.
The function object
must be callable with the same number of arguments as the number of input sequences.The function object
must be trivially copyable.
template<typename Input, typename Function>
void for_each(
)# Applies the given function to each element in the input range.
This function launches a Legate task that applies the provided function
to each element in the input rangeinput
.- Examples:
// Element-wise addition of two logical stores. stl::logical_store<int, 2> store = {{1, 2, 3, 4}, // {2, 3, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 5, 6}}; // `a` refers to the elements of `store`. auto fn = [] LEGATE_HOST_DEVICE(int& a) { ++a; }; stl::for_each(store, fn); // store1 now contains: // { // {2, 3, 4, 5}, // {3, 4, 5, 6} // {4, 5, 6, 7} // }
// Row-wise operation on two logical stores. stl::logical_store<int, 2> store = {{1, 2, 3, 4}, // {2, 3, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 5, 6}}; // `a` is an `mdspan` object refering to the rows of `store`. auto fn = [] LEGATE_HOST_DEVICE(auto&& a) { a(0) = 42; }; stl::for_each(stl::rows_of(store), fn); // store1 now contains: // { // {42, 2, 3, 4}, // {42, 3, 4, 5}, // {42, 4, 5, 6} // }
- Parameters:
input – The input range to iterate over.
fn – The function to apply to each element.
- Pre:
The input range
must satisfy thelogical_store_like
concept.The function object
must be callable with the element type of theinput
range.The function object
must be trivially copyable.
template<typename InputRange, typename Init, typename ReductionOperation>
logical_store<element_type_of_t<InputRange>, dim_of_v<Init>> reduce( - InputRange &&input,
- Init &&init,
- ReductionOperation op,
Reduces the elements of the input range using the given reduction operation operation.
- Examples:
auto store = stl::create_store({5}, std::int64_t{1}); auto init = stl::create_store({}, std::int64_t{1}); // fill the store with data auto elems = stl::elements_of(store); std::iota(elems.begin(), elems.end(), std::int64_t{1}); auto result = stl::reduce(store, init, std::plus<>()); auto result_span = stl::as_mdspan(result); auto&& value = result_span(); static_assert(std::is_same_v<decltype(value), const std::int64_t&>); EXPECT_EQ(16, value);
stl::logical_store<std::int64_t, 2> store = {{0, 0, 0, 0}, // {1, 1, 1, 1}, {2, 2, 2, 2}}; // Reduce by rows { auto init = stl::create_store({4}, std::int64_t{0}); auto result = stl::reduce(stl::rows_of(store), init, stl::elementwise(std::plus<>())); auto result_span = stl::as_mdspan(result); EXPECT_EQ(result_span.rank(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(result_span.extent(0), 4); EXPECT_EQ(result_span(0), 3); EXPECT_EQ(result_span(1), 3); EXPECT_EQ(result_span(2), 3); EXPECT_EQ(result_span(3), 3); } // Reduce by columns { auto init = stl::create_store({3}, std::int64_t{0}); auto result = stl::reduce(stl::columns_of(store), init, stl::elementwise(std::plus<>())); auto result_span = stl::as_mdspan(result); EXPECT_EQ(result_span.rank(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(result_span.extent(0), 3); EXPECT_EQ(result_span(0), 0); EXPECT_EQ(result_span(1), 4); EXPECT_EQ(result_span(2), 8); }
- Parameters:
input – The input range to reduce.
init – The initial value of the reduction.
op – The reduction operation to apply to the elements of the input range.
can be a type that satisfies thelegate_reduction
concept or one of the standard functional objectsstd::plus
, etc.; or an elementwise operation created by passing any of the above tostl::elementwise
- Pre:
must satisfy thelogical_store_like
must satisfy thelogical_store_like
concept.The value type of the input range must be the same as the value type of the initial value.
The dimension of the input range must be one greater than the dimension of the initial value.
- Returns:
An instance of
with the same value type and shape asinit
template<typename InputRange, typename OutputRange, typename UnaryOperation>
void transform( - InputRange &&input,
- OutputRange &&output,
- UnaryOperation op,
Applies a unary operation to each element in the input range and stores the result in the output range.
The input range and the output range may be the same.
- Example:
stl::logical_store<std::int64_t, 2> input = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, // {4, 5, 6, 7}, {8, 9, 10, 11}}; // Transform by rows auto result = stl::create_store({3, 4}, std::int64_t{0}); stl::transform(stl::rows_of(input), // stl::rows_of(result), stl::elementwise(Square())); // `result` now contains the squares of the elements: // [[0 1 4 9] // [16 25 36 49] // [64 81 100 121]]
- Parameters:
input – The input range. Must satisfy the
concept.output – The output range. Must satisfy the
concept.op – The unary operation to apply.
- Pre:
The input and output ranges must have the same shape.
The unary operation must be trivially relocatable.
template<typename InputRange1, typename InputRange2, typename OutputRange, typename BinaryOperation>
void transform( - InputRange1 &&input1,
- InputRange2 &&input2,
- OutputRange &&output,
- BinaryOperation op,
Applies a binary operation to each element in two input ranges and stores the result in the output range.
The output range may be the same as one of the input ranges.
- Example:
std::size_t extents[] = {4, 5}; auto store1 = stl::create_store<std::int64_t>(extents); auto store2 = stl::create_store<std::int64_t>(extents); auto store3 = stl::create_store<std::int64_t>(extents); // Stateless extended lambdas work with both clang CUDA and nvcc auto shift = [] LEGATE_HOST_DEVICE(std::int64_t a, std::int64_t b) { // return a << b; }; stl::fill(store1, 2); stl::fill(store2, 4); stl::transform(store1, store2, store3, shift); // `store3` now contains the elements: // [[32 32 32 32 32] // [32 32 32 32 32] // [32 32 32 32 32] // [32 32 32 32 32]]
- Parameters:
input1 – The first input range. Must satisfy the
concept.input2 – The second input range. Must satisfy the
concept.output – The output range. Must satisfy the
concept.op – The binary operation to apply.
- Pre:
The input and output ranges must all have the same shape.
The binary operation must be trivially relocatable.
template<typename InputRange, typename Init, typename Reduction, typename UnaryTransform>
logical_store<value_type_of_t<Init>, dim_of_v<Init>> transform_reduce( - InputRange &&input,
- Init &&init,
- Reduction &&reduction_op,
- UnaryTransform &&transform_op,
Transform the elements of a store with a unary operation and reduce them using a binary operation with an initial value.
stl::transform_reduce(input, init, reduction_op, transform_op)
is semantically equivalent (with the caveat noted below) to:auto result = stl::create_store<TransformResult>( <extents-of-input> ); stl::transform(input, result, transform_op); return stl::reduce(result, init, reduction_op);
is the result type of the unary transform operation. The input store arguments can belegate_store
instances, or they can be views created with one of the view adaptors . If the input store is a view, theresult
store used to hold the results of the transformation step will be a view of the same shape as the input store.- Example
stl::logical_store<std::int64_t, 1> store{{5}}; // fill the store with data. The store will contain {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} auto elems = stl::elements_of(store); std::iota(elems.begin(), elems.end(), std::int64_t{1}); // a host/device lambda to square the elements auto square = [] LEGATE_HOST_DEVICE(std::int64_t x) { return x * x; }; // sum the squared elements auto result = stl::transform_reduce(store, stl::scalar<std::int64_t>(0), std::plus<>{}, square); auto result_span = stl::as_mdspan(result); auto result_value = result_span(); // index into the 0-D mdspan // result_value is 55
- Parameters:
input – The input range to transform.
init – The initial value of the reduction.
reduction_op – The reduction operation to apply to the transformed elements of the input range.
can be a type that satisfies thelegate_reduction
concept or one of the standard functional objectsstd::plus
, etc.; or an elementwise operation created by passing any of the above tostl::elementwise
.transform_op – The unary operation to apply to the elements of the input prior to the reduction step.
- Pre:
must satisfy thelogical_store_like
must satisfy thelogical_store_like
concept.The result type of the unary transform must be the same as the value type of the reduction’s initial value.
The dimension of the input range must be one greater than the dimension of the initial value.
- Returns:
An instance of
with the same value type and shape asinit
template<typename InputRange1, typename InputRange2, typename Init, typename Reduction, typename BinaryTransform>
logical_store<element_type_of_t<Init>, dim_of_v<Init>> transform_reduce( - InputRange1 &&input1,
- InputRange2 &&input2,
- Init &&init,
- Reduction &&reduction_op,
- BinaryTransform &&transform_op,
Transform the elements of two stores with a binary operation and reduce them using a binary operation with an initial value.
stl::transform_reduce(input1, input2, init, reduction_op, transform_op)
is semantically equivalent (with the caveat noted below) to:auto result = stl::create_store<TransformResult>( <extents-of-input1> ); stl::transform(input1, input2, result, transform_op); return stl::reduce(result, init, reduction_op);
is the result type of the binary transform operation. The input store arguments can belegate_store
instances, or they can be views created with one of the view adaptors . If the input stores are views, theresult
store used to hold the results of the transformation step will be a view of the same shape as the first input store.- Parameters:
input1 – The first input range to transform.
input2 – The second input range to transform.
init – The initial value of the reduction.
reduction_op – The reduction operation to apply to the transformed elements of the input ranges.
can be a type that satisfies thelegate_reduction
concept or one of the standard functional objectsstd::plus
, etc.; or an elementwise operation created by passing any of the above tostl::elementwise
.transform_op – The binary operation to apply to the elements of the two input ranges prior to the reduction step.
- Pre:
andInputRange2 must satisfy the @c logical_store_like concept. @li
Init` must satisfy thelogical_store_like
concept.The shape of the input ranges must be the same.
The result type of the binary transform must be the same as the value type of the initial reduction value.
The dimensionality of the input ranges must be one greater than the dimension of the reduction initial value.
- Returns:
An instance of
with the same value type and shape asinit
template<typename Range>
- group stl-utilities
template<typename Function>
unspecified elementwise(Function &&fn)# A functional adaptor that, given a callable object
, returns another callable objectg
that appliesfn
element-wise to its arguments.The arguments to
must bemdspan
objects or models of thelogical_store_like
concept. The shapes of the input arguments must all match. The element-wise application off
is performed lazily; i.e., the result is not computed until the elements of the result are accessed.- Example:
// Perform element-wise addition of the rows of two logical stores, // assigning the result element-wise into the rows of the first. stl::logical_store<int, 2> store1 = { {1, 2, 3, 4}, // row 0 {2, 3, 4, 5}, // row 1 {3, 4, 5, 6} // row 2 }; stl::logical_store<int, 2> store2 = { {10, 20, 30, 40}, // row 0 {20, 30, 40, 50}, // row 1 {30, 40, 50, 60} // row 2 }; stl::transform(stl::rows_of(store1), stl::rows_of(store2), stl::rows_of(store1), stl::elementwise(std::plus<>{})); // store1 now contains: // [[11 22 33 44] // row 0 // [22 33 44 55] // row 1 // [33 44 55 66]] // row 2
The Legate.STL algorithms recognize the return type of \(\mathtt{elementwise(fn)(}A^1,A^2\cdots,A^n\mathtt{)}\) such that assigning its result to an
object will perform an element-wise assignment. The element-wise assignment is done withthrust::copy
and will be accelerated if CUDA support is enabled.- Parameters:
fn – The callable object to apply element-wise.
- Returns:
A callable object \(\mathtt{g}\) such that, given multi-dimensional arguments \(A^1,A^2\cdots,A^n\), the expression \(\mathtt{g(}A^1,A^2\cdots,A^n\mathtt{)}\) returns a multi-dimensional view \(\mathtt{V}\) where \(\mathtt{V}_{i,j,\ldots}\) is the result of calling \(\mathtt{fn(}{A^1}_{i,j,\ldots}, {A^2}_{i,j,\ldots}, \cdots, {A^n}_{i,j,\ldots}\mathtt{)}\).
template<LaunchParam... Params>
void launch_task(Params... params)# A function that launches a task with the given inputs, outputs, scalars, and constraints.
Launch parameter arguments can be one of the following in any order:
- specifies the input stores for the taskExample:
inputs(store1, store2, store3)
- specifies the output stores for the taskExample:
outputs(store1, store2, store3)
- specifies the scalar arguments for the taskExample:
scalars(42, 3.14f)
- specifies the function to be applied iteratively to the inputs.The function will take as arguments the current elements of the input stores, in order, followed by the current elements of the output stores. The elements of a
are lvalue references to the elements of the physical store it represents. The elements of a view such asstl::rows_of(store)
s denoting the rows ofstore
.The function must be bitwise copyable.
Only one of
can be specified in a call tolaunch_task
function([](const auto& in, auto& out) { out = in * in; })
- specifies the reduction store and the reduction function to be applied to the inputs.The function must be bitwise copyable.
The reduction function must take as
s refering to parts of the input stores.The reduction store can be a
or some view of a store, such asrows_of(store)
. When operating on a view, the arguments to the reduction function will be the elements of the view. For example, if the reduction store isrows_of(store)
, the arguments passed to the reduction function will bemdspan
s denoting rows ofstore
.Only one of
can be specified in a call tolaunch_task
stl::reduction(stl::rows_of(store), stl::elementwise(std::plus{}))
- specifies the constraints for the task.A constraint is a callable that takes an
and the input, output, and reduction stores as arguments. Its function signature must be:void(legate::AutoTask&, // the task to add the constraints to const std::vector<LogicalStore>&, // the input stores const std::vector<LogicalStore>&, // the output stores const LogicalStore&) // the reduction store
Legate.STL provides one constraint generator,
, for specifying the alignment constraints for the task. It can be used many different ways:align(inputs[0], inputs[1])
- aligns the first input with the second inputalign(inputs[0], outputs[0])
- aligns the first input with the first outputalign(outputs[0], inputs)
- aligns the first output with all the inputsalign(outputs, inputs[1])
- aligns all the outputs with the second inputalign(reduction, inputs[0])
- aligns the reduction store with the first inputalign(reduction, inputs)
- aligns the reduction store with all the inputalign(inputs)
- aligns all the inputs with each otheralign(outputs)
- aligns all the outputs with each other
- Example
The following use of
is equivalent tostl::transform(input, output op)
:stl::launch_task(stl::function(detail::UnaryTransform{std::move(op)}), stl::inputs(std::forward<InputRange>(input)), stl::outputs(std::forward<OutputRange>(output)), stl::constraints(stl::align(stl::inputs[0], stl::outputs[0])));
ResourceConfig LEGATE_STL_RESOURCE_CONFIG = {1024, 1024, 64, 0, 0}#
Configuration for the Legate STL resource.
This constant represents the configuration for the Legate STL resource. It specifies (in order):
the maximum number of tasks,
the maximum number of dynamic tasks,
the maximum number of reduction operations,
the maximum number of projections, and
the maximum number of shardings
See also
class launch_task#
- #include <legate/experimental/stl/detail/launch_task.hpp>
A class that represents a task launcher.
class provides a convenient interface for launching tasks in the Legate framework. It supports both iteration tasks and reduction tasks. The tasks are created and submitted to the runtime using the provided inputs, outputs, scalars, and constraints.
class initialize_library#
- #include <legate/experimental/stl/detail/registrar.hpp>
A class that initializes the Legate runtime and creates the
library instance.The
class is responsible for creating a library instance. The initialization fails if the runtime has not started. If the initialization is successful, it creates a library with the name"legate.stl"
.The library instance is automatically destroyed when the
object goes out of scope.It is harmless to create multiple
objects in the same program.See also
Public Functions
inline initialize_library()#
Constructs an
object.This constructor creates a library instance for Legate STL. The initialization fails if the runtime has not started. If the initialization is successful, it creates a library with the name
.- Throws:
std::runtime_error – If the runtime has not started
inline initialize_library()#
template<typename Function>