- group types
Objects for the specification and management of types.
enum class ReductionOpKind : std::int32_t#
Enum for reduction operator kinds.
enumerator ADD#
enumerator MUL#
enumerator MAX#
Binary maximum operator
enumerator MIN#
Binary minimum operator
enumerator OR#
Bitwise OR
enumerator AND#
Bitwse AND
enumerator XOR#
Bitwas XOR
enumerator ADD#
Type primitive_type(Type::Code code)#
Creates a metadata object for a primitive type.
Type binary_type(std::uint32_t size)#
Creates an opaque binary type of a given size.
- Parameters:
size – Element size
- Returns:
Type object
- FixedArrayType fixed_array_type(
- const Type &element_type,
- std::uint32_t N,
Creates a metadata object for a fixed-size array type.
- Parameters:
element_type – Type of the array elements
N – Size of the array
- Returns:
FixedArrayType object
- StructType struct_type(
- const std::vector<Type> &field_types,
- bool align = true,
Creates a metadata object for a struct type.
- Parameters:
field_types – A vector of field types
align – If true, fields in the struct are aligned
- Returns:
StructType object
ListType list_type(const Type &element_type)#
Creates a metadata object for a list type.
template<typename ...Args>
std::enable_if_t<std::conjunction_v<std::is_convertible<std::decay_t<Args>, Type>...>, StructType> struct_type( - bool align,
- Args&&... field_types,
Creates a metadata object for a struct type.
- Parameters:
align – If true, fields in the struct are aligned
field_types – Field types
- Returns:
StructType object
- std::ostream &operator<<(
- std::ostream &ostream,
- const Type::Code &code,
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostream, const Type &type)#
FixedArrayType point_type(std::uint32_t ndim)#
Creates a point type.
- Parameters:
ndim – Number of dimensions
- Returns:
FixedArrayType object
StructType rect_type(std::uint32_t ndim)#
Creates a rect type.
- Parameters:
ndim – Number of dimensions
- Returns:
StructType object
bool is_point_type(const Type &type)#
Checks if the type is a point type.
- Parameters:
type – Type to check
- Returns:
true If the
is a point type- Returns:
false Otherwise
bool is_point_type(const Type &type, std::uint32_t ndim)#
Checks if the type is a point type of the given dimensionality.
- Parameters:
type – Type to check
ndim – Number of dimensions the point type should have
- Returns:
true If the
is a point type- Returns:
false Otherwise
std::int32_t ndim_point_type(const Type &type)#
Returns the number of dimensions of a given point type.
- Parameters:
type – Point type
- Throws:
std::invalid_argument – IF the type is not a point type
- Returns:
Number of dimensions
bool is_rect_type(const Type &type)#
Checks if the type is a rect type.
- Parameters:
type – Type to check
- Returns:
true If the
is a rect type- Returns:
false Otherwise
class Type#
- #include <legate/type/types.h>
A base class for data type metadata.
Subclassed by legate::FixedArrayType, legate::ListType, legate::StructType
Public Types
enum class Code : std::int32_t#
Enum for type codes.
enumerator BOOL#
Boolean type
enumerator INT8#
8-bit signed integer type
enumerator INT16#
16-bit signed integer type
enumerator INT32#
32-bit signed integer type
enumerator INT64#
64-bit signed integer type
enumerator UINT8#
8-bit unsigned integer type
enumerator UINT16#
16-bit unsigned integer type
enumerator UINT32#
32-bit unsigned integer type
enumerator UINT64#
64-bit unsigned integer type
enumerator FLOAT16#
Half-precision floating point type
enumerator FLOAT32#
Single-precision floating point type
enumerator FLOAT64#
Double-precision floating point type
enumerator COMPLEX64#
Single-precision complex type
enumerator COMPLEX128#
Double-precision complex type
enumerator NIL#
Null type
enumerator BINARY#
Opaque binary type
enumerator FIXED_ARRAY#
Fixed-size array type
enumerator STRUCT#
Struct type
enumerator STRING#
String type
enumerator LIST#
List type
enumerator BOOL#
Public Functions
std::uint32_t size() const#
Size of the data type in bytes.
- Returns:
Data type size in bytes
std::uint32_t alignment() const#
Alignment of the type.
- Returns:
Alignment in bytes
std::uint32_t uid() const#
Unique ID of the data type.
- Returns:
Unique ID
bool variable_size() const#
Inidicates whether the data type is of varible size elements.
- Returns:
true Elements can be variable size
- Returns:
false Elements have fixed size
std::string to_string() const#
Converts the data type into a string.
- Returns:
A string of the data type
bool is_primitive() const#
Indicates whether the type is a primitive type.
- Returns:
true If the type is a primitive type
- Returns:
false Otherwise
FixedArrayType as_fixed_array_type() const#
Dynamically casts the type into a fixed size array type.
If the type is not a fixed size array type, an exception will be raised.
- Returns:
Type object
StructType as_struct_type() const#
Dynamically casts the type into a struct type.
If the type is not a struct type, an exception will be raised.
- Returns:
Type object
ListType as_list_type() const#
Dynamically casts the type into a struct type.
If the type is not a struct type, an exception will be raised.
- Returns:
Type object
- void record_reduction_operator(
- std::int32_t op_kind,
- GlobalRedopID global_op_id,
Records a reduction operator.
The global ID of the reduction operator is issued when that operator is registered to the runtime.
- Parameters:
op_kind – Reduction operator kind
global_op_id – Global reduction operator ID
- void record_reduction_operator(
- ReductionOpKind op_kind,
- GlobalRedopID global_op_id,
Records a reduction operator.
The global ID of the reduction operator is issued when that operator is registered to the runtime.
- Parameters:
op_kind – Reduction operator kind
global_op_id – Global reduction operator ID
GlobalRedopID find_reduction_operator(std::int32_t op_kind) const#
Finds the global operator ID for a given reduction operator kind.
Raises an exception if no reduction operator has been registered for the kind.
- Parameters:
op_kind – Reduction operator kind
- Returns:
Global reduction operator ID
GlobalRedopID find_reduction_operator(ReductionOpKind op_kind) const#
Finds the global operator ID for a given reduction operator kind.
Raises an exception if no reduction operator has been registered for the kind.
- Parameters:
op_kind – Reduction operator kind
- Returns:
Global reduction operator ID
bool operator==(const Type &other) const#
Equality check between types.
Note that type checks are name-based; two isomorphic fixed-size array types are considered different if their uids are different (the same applies to struct types).
- Parameters:
other – Type to compare
- Returns:
true Types are equal
- Returns:
false Types are different
enum class Code : std::int32_t#
class FixedArrayType : public legate::Type#
- #include <legate/type/types.h>
A class for fixed-size array data types.
class StructType : public legate::Type#
- #include <legate/type/types.h>
A class for struct data types.
Public Functions
std::uint32_t num_fields() const#
Returns the number of fields.
- Returns:
Number of fields
Type field_type(std::uint32_t field_idx) const#
Returns the element type.
- Parameters:
field_idx – Field index. Must be within the range
- Returns:
Element type
bool aligned() const#
Indiciates whether the fields are aligned.
- Returns:
true Fields are aligned
- Returns:
false Fields are compact
std::vector<std::uint32_t> offsets() const#
Returns offsets to fields.
- Returns:
Field offsets in a vector
std::uint32_t num_fields() const#
enum class ReductionOpKind : std::int32_t#