
group task

Classes and utilities to define tasks.




using SymbolicPoint = tuple<SymbolicExpr>#

A symbolic representation of points.

Symbolic points are used to capture mappings between points in different domains in a concise way. Each element of a symbolic point is a SymbolicExpr symbolically representing the coordinate of that dimension. A ManualTask can optionally pass for its logical store partition argument a symbolic point that describes a mapping from points in the launch domain to sub-stores in the partition.


std::ostream &operator<<(
std::ostream &out,
const SymbolicExpr &expr,
inline SymbolicExpr dimension(std::uint32_t dim)#

Constructs a SymbolicExpr representing coordinates of a dimension.


dim – The dimension index


A symbolic expression for the given dimension

inline SymbolicExpr constant(std::int32_t value)#

Constructs a SymbolicExpr representing a constant value.


value – The constant value to embed


A symbolic expression for the given constant

std::ostream &operator<<(
std::ostream &os,
const VariantOptions &options,


static const VariantOptions DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {}#

The default variant options used during task creation if no user-supplied options are given.

class Communicator#
#include <legate/comm/communicator.h>

A thin wrapper class for communicators stored in futures. This class only provides a tempalte method to retrieve the communicator handle and the client is expected to pass the right handle type.

The following is the list of handle types for communicators supported in Legate:

  • NCCL: ncclComm_t*

  • CPU communicator in Legate: legate::comm::coll::CollComm*

  • CAL: cal_comm_t

Public Functions

template<typename T>
T get() const#

Returns the communicator stored in the wrapper.

Template Parameters:

T – The type of communicator handle to get (see valid types above)


A communicator

class StreamView#
#include <legate/cuda/stream_pool.h>

A simple wrapper around CUDA streams to inject auxiliary features.


since 24.11: please provide your own implementation of this class

When LEGATE_SYNC_STREAM_VIEW is set to 1, every StreamView synchronizes the CUDA stream that it wraps when it is destroyed.

Public Functions

inline explicit StreamView(CUstream stream)#

Creates a StreamView with a raw CUDA stream.


since 24.11: please provide your own implementation of this class


stream – Raw CUDA stream to wrap

inline operator CUstream() const#

Unwraps the raw CUDA stream.


since 24.11: please provide your own implementation of this class


Raw CUDA stream wrapped by the StreamView

class StreamPool#
#include <legate/cuda/stream_pool.h>

A stream pool.


since 24.11: use legate::TaskContext::get_task_stream() instead

Public Functions

StreamView get_stream()#

Returns a StreamView in the pool.


since 24.11: use legate::TaskContext::get_task_stream() instead


A StreamView object. Currently, all stream views returned from this pool are backed by the same CUDA stream.

Public Static Functions

static StreamPool &get_stream_pool()#

Returns a singleton stream pool.


since 24.11: use legate::TaskContext::get_task_stream() instead

The stream pool is alive throughout the program execution.


A StreamPool object

class SymbolicExpr#
#include <legate/operation/projection.h>

A class that symbolically represents coordinates.

A \(\mathtt{SymbolicExpr}(i, w, c)\) object denotes an expression \( w \cdot \mathit{dim}_i + c \), where \( \mathit{dim}_i \) corresponds to the coordinate of the \(i\)-th dimension. A special case is when \(i\) is \(-1\), which means the expression denotes a constant \(c\).

Public Functions

inline std::uint32_t dim() const#

Returns the dimension index of this expression.


Dimension index

inline std::int32_t weight() const#

Returns the weight for the coordinates.


Weight value

inline std::int32_t offset() const#

Returns the offset of the expression.



inline bool is_identity(std::uint32_t dim) const#

Indicates if the expression denotes an identity mapping for the given dimension.


dim – The dimension for which the identity mapping is checked


true The expression denotes an identity mapping


false The expression does not denote an identity mapping

inline bool is_constant() const#

Indicates if the expression denotes a constant.


true The expression denotes a constant


false The expression does not denote a constant

class AutoTask#
#include <legate/operation/task.h>

A class for auto-parallelized task desciptors.

Public Functions

Variable add_input(LogicalArray array)#

Adds an array to the task as input.

Partitioning of the array is controlled by constraints on the partition symbol associated with the array


array – An array to add to the task as input


The partition symbol assigned to the array

Variable add_output(LogicalArray array)#

Adds an array to the task as output.

Partitioning of the array is controlled by constraints on the partition symbol associated with the array


array – An array to add to the task as output


The partition symbol assigned to the array

Variable add_reduction(
LogicalArray array,
ReductionOpKind redop_kind,

Adds an array to the task for reductions.

Partitioning of the array is controlled by constraints on the partition symbol associated with the array

  • array – An array to add to the task for reductions

  • redop_kind – ID of the reduction operator to use. The array’s type must support the operator.


The partition symbol assigned to the array

Variable add_reduction(LogicalArray array, std::int32_t redop_kind)#

Adds an array to the task for reductions.

Partitioning of the array is controlled by constraints on the partition symbol associated with the array

  • array – An array to add to the task for reductions

  • redop_kind – ID of the reduction operator to use. The array’s type must support the operator.


The partition symbol assigned to the array

Variable add_input(LogicalArray array, Variable partition_symbol)#

Adds an array to the task as input.

Partitioning of the array is controlled by constraints on the partition symbol associated with the array

  • array – An array to add to the task as input

  • partition_symbol – A partition symbol for the array


The partition symbol assigned to the array

Variable add_output(LogicalArray array, Variable partition_symbol)#

Adds an array to the task as output.

Partitioning of the array is controlled by constraints on the partition symbol associated with the array

  • array – An array to add to the task as output

  • partition_symbol – A partition symbol for the array


The partition symbol assigned to the array

Variable add_reduction(
LogicalArray array,
ReductionOpKind redop_kind,
Variable partition_symbol,

Adds an array to the task for reductions.

Partitioning of the array is controlled by constraints on the partition symbol associated with the array

  • array – An array to add to the task for reductions

  • redop_kind – ID of the reduction operator to use. The array’s type must support the operator.

  • partition_symbol – A partition symbol for the array


The partition symbol assigned to the array

Variable add_reduction(
LogicalArray array,
std::int32_t redop_kind,
Variable partition_symbol,

Adds an array to the task for reductions.

Partitioning of the array is controlled by constraints on the partition symbol associated with the array

  • array – An array to add to the task for reductions

  • redop_kind – ID of the reduction operator to use. The array’s type must support the operator.

  • partition_symbol – A partition symbol for the array


The partition symbol assigned to the array

void add_scalar_arg(const Scalar &scalar)#

Adds a by-value scalar argument to the task.


scalar – The Scalar to add to the task

template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, Scalar> && std::is_constructible_v<Scalar, T>>>
void add_scalar_arg(
T &&value,

Adds a by-value scalar argument to the task.

Template Parameters:

T – The scalar value’s type. Scalar must be constructible from a value of T


value – The scalar value to convert to Scalar and add to the task

void add_constraint(const Constraint &constraint)#

Adds a partitioning constraint to the task.


constraint – A partitioning constraint

Variable find_or_declare_partition(const LogicalArray &array)#

Finds or creates a partition symbol for the given array.


array – Array for which the partition symbol is queried


The existing symbol if there is one for the array, a fresh symbol otherwise

Variable declare_partition()#

Declares partition symbol.


A new symbol that can be used when passing an array to an operation

std::string_view provenance() const#

Returns the provenance information of this operation.



void set_concurrent(bool concurrent)#

Sets whether the task needs a concurrent task launch.

Any task with at least one communicator will implicitly use concurrent task launch, so this method is to be used when the task needs a concurrent task launch for a reason unknown to Legate.


concurrent – A boolean value indicating whether the task needs a concurrent task launch

void set_side_effect(bool has_side_effect)#

Sets whether the task has side effects or not.

A task is assumed to be free of side effects by default if the task only has scalar arguments.


has_side_effect – A boolean value indicating whether the task has side effects

void throws_exception(bool can_throw_exception)#

Sets whether the task can throw an exception or not.


can_throw_exception – A boolean value indicating whether the task can throw an exception

void add_communicator(std::string_view name)#

Requests a communicator for this task.


name – The name of the communicator to use for this task

class Impl#
class ManualTask#
#include <legate/operation/task.h>

A class for manually parallelized task descriptors.

Public Functions

void add_input(LogicalStore store)#

Adds a store to the task as input.

The store will be unpartitioned but broadcasted to all the tasks


store – A store to add to the task as input

void add_input(
LogicalStorePartition store_partition,
std::optional<SymbolicPoint> projection = std::nullopt,

Adds a store partition to the task as input.

  • store_partition – A store partition to add to the task as input

  • projection – An optional symbolic point describing a mapping between points in the launch domain and substores in the partition

void add_output(LogicalStore store)#

Adds a store to the task as output.

The store will be unpartitioned but broadcasted to all the tasks


store – A store to add to the task as output

void add_output(
LogicalStorePartition store_partition,
std::optional<SymbolicPoint> projection = std::nullopt,

Adds a store partition to the task as output.

  • store_partition – A store partition to add to the task as output

  • projection – An optional symbolic point describing a mapping between points in the launch domain and substores in the partition

void add_reduction(LogicalStore store, ReductionOpKind redop_kind)#

Adds a store to the task for reductions.

The store will be unpartitioned but broadcasted to all the tasks

  • store – A store to add to the task for reductions

  • redop_kind – ID of the reduction operator to use. The store’s type must support the operator.

void add_reduction(LogicalStore store, std::int32_t redop_kind)#

Adds a store to the task for reductions.

The store will be unpartitioned but broadcasted to all the tasks

  • store – A store to add to the task for reductions

  • redop_kind – ID of the reduction operator to use. The store’s type must support the operator.

void add_reduction(
LogicalStorePartition store_partition,
ReductionOpKind redop_kind,
std::optional<SymbolicPoint> projection = std::nullopt,

Adds a store partition to the task for reductions.

  • store_partition – A store partition to add to the task for reductions

  • redop_kind – ID of the reduction operator to use. The store’s type must support the operator.

  • projection – An optional symbolic point describing a mapping between points in the launch domain and substores in the partition

void add_reduction(
LogicalStorePartition store_partition,
std::int32_t redop_kind,
std::optional<SymbolicPoint> projection = std::nullopt,

Adds a store partition to the task for reductions.

  • store_partition – A store partition to add to the task for reductions

  • redop_kind – ID of the reduction operator to use. The store’s type must support the operator.

  • projection – An optional symbolic point describing a mapping between points in the launch domain and substores in the partition

void add_scalar_arg(const Scalar &scalar)#

Adds a by-value scalar argument to the task.


scalar – The Scalar to add to the task

template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, Scalar> && std::is_constructible_v<Scalar, T>>>
void add_scalar_arg(
T &&value,

Adds a by-value scalar argument to the task.

Template Parameters:

T – The scalar value’s type. Scalar must be constructible from a value of T


value – The scalar value to convert to Scalar and add to the task

std::string_view provenance() const#

Returns the provenance information of this operation.



void set_concurrent(bool concurrent)#

Sets whether the task needs a concurrent task launch.

Any task with at least one communicator will implicitly use concurrent task launch, so this method is to be used when the task needs a concurrent task launch for a reason unknown to Legate.


concurrent – A boolean value indicating whether the task needs a concurrent task launch

void set_side_effect(bool has_side_effect)#

Sets whether the task has side effects or not.

A task is assumed to be free of side effects by default if the task only has scalar arguments.


has_side_effect – A boolean value indicating whether the task has side effects

void throws_exception(bool can_throw_exception)#

Sets whether the task can throw an exception or not.


can_throw_exception – A boolean value indicating whether the task can throw an exception

void add_communicator(std::string_view name)#

Requests a communicator for this task.


name – The name of the communicator to use for this task

class Impl#
class TaskException : public std::exception#
#include <legate/task/exception.h>

An exception class used in cross language exception handling.

Any client that needs to catch a C++ exception during task execution and have it rethrown on the launcher side should wrap that C++ exception with a TaskException. In case the task can raise more than one type of exception, they are distinguished by integer ids; the launcher is responsible for enumerating a list of all exceptions that can be raised and the integer ids are positions in that list.

Subclassed by legate::detail::PythonTaskException

Public Functions

inline TaskException(std::int32_t index, std::string error_message)#

Constructs a TaskException object with an exception id and an error message. The id must be a valid index for the list of exceptions declared by the launcher.

  • index – Exception id

  • error_message – Error message

inline explicit TaskException(std::string error_message)#

Constructs a TaskException object with an error message. The exception id is set to 0.


error_message – Error message

inline std::int32_t index() const noexcept#

Returns the exception id.


The exception id

inline const std::string &error_message() const noexcept#

Returns the error message.


The error message

class TaskRegistrar#
#include <legate/task/registrar.h>

A helper class for task variant registration.

The legate::TaskRegistrar class is designed to simplify the boilerplate that client libraries need to register all its task variants. The following is a boilerplate that each library needs to write:

struct MyLibrary {
  static legate::TaskRegistrar& get_registrar();

template <typename T>
struct MyLibraryTaskBase : public legate::LegateTask<T> {
  using Registrar = MyLibrary;


In the code above, the MyLibrary has a static member that returns a singleton legate::TaskRegistrar object. Then, the MyLibraryTaskBase points to the class so Legate can find where task variants are collected.

Once this registrar is set up in a library, each library task can simply register itself with the LegateTask::register_variants method like the following:

// In a header
struct MyLibraryTask : public MyLibraryTaskBase<MyLibraryTask> {

// In a C++ file
static void __attribute__((constructor)) register_tasks()

Public Functions

void register_all_tasks(Library &library)#

Registers all tasks recorded in this registrar. Typically invoked in a registration callback of a library.


libraryLibrary that owns this registrar.

class Impl#
class RecordTaskKey#
template<typename T>
class LegateTask#
#include <legate/task/task.h>

A base class template for Legate task implementations.

Any Legate task class must inherit legate::LegateTask directly or transitively. The type parameter T needs to be bound to a child Legate task class that inherits legate::LegateTask.

Curently, each task can have up to three variants and the variants need to be static member functions of the class under the following names:

  • cpu_variant: CPU implementation of the task

  • gpu_variant: GPU implementation of the task

  • omp_variant: OpenMP implementation of the task

Tasks must have at least one variant, and all task variants must be semantically equivalent (modulo some minor rounding errors due to floating point imprecision).

Each task class must also have a type alias Registrar that points to a library specific registrar class. (See legate::TaskRegistrar for details.)

Each task can also declare the following static members which are used as defaults in variious circumstances:

  • static constexpr legate::LocalTaskID TASK_ID: Specifies the default local task ID used when registering a task with a library, and subsequent creation. If not present, then the user must pass the required task ID whenever creating or registering the task.

  • static constexpr VariantOptions CPU_VARIANT_OPTIONS: Specifies the default variant options used when registering the CPU variant of the task.

  • static constexpr VariantOptions OMP_VARIANT_OPTIONS: Specifies the default variant options used when registering the OMP variant of the task.

  • static constexpr VariantOptions GPU_VARIANT_OPTIONS: Specifies the default variant options used when registering the GPU variant of the task.

If the default variant options are not present, the variant options for a given variant v are selected in the following order:

  1. The variant options (if any) supplied at the call-site of register_variants().

  2. The default variant options (if any) found in XXX_VARIANT_OPTIONS.

  3. The variant options provided by Library::get_default_variant_options().

  4. The global default variant options found in VariantOptions::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.

Subclassed by legate::detail::LegionTask< T >

Public Static Functions

static void register_variants(
std::map<VariantCode, VariantOptions> all_options = {},

Records all variants of this task in a registrar.

The registrar is pointed to by the task’s static type alias Registrar (see legate::TaskRegistrar for details about setting up a registrar in a library). The client can optionally specify variant options.


all_options – Options for task variants. Variants with no entires in all_options will use the default set of options as discussed in the class description.

static void register_variants(
Library library,
const std::map<VariantCode, VariantOptions> &all_options = {},

Registers all variants of this task immediately.

Unlike the other method, this one takes a library so the registration can be done immediately. The value of T::TASK_ID is used as the task id.

  • libraryLibrary to which the task should be registered

  • all_options – Options for task variants. Variants with no entires in all_options will use the default set of options as discussed in the class description.

static void register_variants(
Library library,
LocalTaskID task_id,
const std::map<VariantCode, VariantOptions> &all_options = {},

Registers all variants of this task immediately.

Unlike the other method, this one takes a library so the registration can be done immediately.

  • libraryLibrary to which the task should be registered

  • task_id – Task id

  • all_options – Options for task variants. Variants with no entires in all_options will use the default set of options as discussed in the class description.

class TaskContext#
#include <legate/task/task_context.h>

A task context that contains task arguments and communicators.

Public Functions

GlobalTaskID task_id() const noexcept#

Returns the global ID of the task.


The global task id

VariantCode variant_kind() const noexcept#

Returns the Legate variant kind of the task.


The variant kind

PhysicalArray input(std::uint32_t index) const#

Returns an input array of the task.


index – Index of the array



std::vector<PhysicalArray> inputs() const#

Returns all input arrays of the task.


Vector of arrays

PhysicalArray output(std::uint32_t index) const#

Returns an output array of the task.


index – Index of the array



std::vector<PhysicalArray> outputs() const#

Returns all output arrays of the task.


Vector of arrays

PhysicalArray reduction(std::uint32_t index) const#

Returns a reduction array of the task.


index – Index of the array



std::vector<PhysicalArray> reductions() const#

Returns all reduction arrays of the task.


Vector of arrays

Scalar scalar(std::uint32_t index) const#

Returns a by-value argument of the task.


index – Index of the scalar



std::vector<Scalar> scalars() const#

Returns by-value arguments of the task.


Vector of scalars

const comm::Communicator &communicator(std::uint32_t index) const#

Returns a communicator of the task.

If a task launch ends up emitting only a single point task, that task will not get passed a communicator, even if one was requested at task launching time. Therefore, tasks using communicators should be prepared to handle the case where the returned vector is empty.


index – Index of the communicator



const std::vector<comm::Communicator> &communicators() const#

Returns communicators of the task.

If a task launch ends up emitting only a single point task, that task will not get passed a communicator, even if one was requested at task launching time. Therefore, most tasks using communicators should be prepared to handle the case where the returned vector is empty.


Vector of communicators

std::size_t num_inputs() const#

Returns the number of task’s inputs.


Number of arrays

std::size_t num_outputs() const#

Returns the number of task’s outputs.


Number of arrays

std::size_t num_reductions() const#

Returns the number of task’s reductions.


Number of arrays

std::size_t num_scalars() const#

Returns the number of Scalars.


Number of Scalars

std::size_t num_communicators() const#

Returns the number of communicators.


Number of communicators

bool is_single_task() const#

Indicates whether the task is parallelized.


true The task is a single task


false The task is one in a set of multiple parallel tasks

bool can_raise_exception() const#

Indicates whether the task is allowed to raise an exception.


true The task can raise an exception


false The task must not raise an exception

const DomainPoint &get_task_index() const#

Returns the point of the task. A 0D point will be returned for a single task.


The point of the task

const Domain &get_launch_domain() const#

Returns the task group’s launch domain. A single task returns an empty domain.


The task group’s launch domain

mapping::TaskTarget target() const#

Returns the kind of processor executing this task.


The processor kind

void concurrent_task_barrier()#

Perform a blocking barrier across all the leaf tasks in a concurrent task launch.

When a leaf task invokes this operation, control will not return to the task until all the leaf tasks in the same launch have executed the same barrier.

This is useful e.g. to work around NCCL deadlocks, that can be triggered when another concurrent CUDA operation creates a false dependence or resource conflict with the resident NCCL kernels. By performing a barrier before and after every NCCL collective operation happening inside the leaf tasks in a concurrent task launch, we can effectively isolate the execution of the NCCL collective from all other CUDA work, thus preventing the deadlock. In more detail:

  • put a barrier before the collective operation

  • emit the collective operation

  • ensure that NCCL has actually emitted all its operations on the stream (e.g. ncclGroupEnd has been called, if grouping operations)

  • perform another barrier

    // The barrier must happen before the NCCL calls begin
    auto result = ncclAllGather(p_send, p_recv, 1, ncclUint64, *comm, stream);
    EXPECT_EQ(result, ncclSuccess);
    // And insert a barrier after all NCCL calls return, to ensure that all ranks have
    // emitted the NCCL calls

This operation can only be performed inside leaf tasks (not on the top-level task), and only in variants that have been declared as concurrent. All leaf tasks in a launch must take part in the barrier (it cannot be done only on a subset of them). Breaking any of the previously stated invariants is a fatal error.

CUstream_st *get_task_stream() const#

Get the current task CUDA stream.

All asynchronous stream work performed by a GPU variant must be performed on, or synchronized with the stream returned by this method. Doing asynchronous work on other streams and failing to encode those dependencies (or otherwise synchronizing them) on this stream will result in undefined behavior.

If the current task is not a GPU task, or does not have GPU support enabled, this method returns nullptr.


The current tasks CUDA stream.

class TaskInfo#
#include <legate/task/task_info.h>

An object describing a Legate task registration info.

Public Functions

explicit TaskInfo(std::string task_name)#

Construct a TaskInfo.


task_name – The name of the task.

inline explicit TaskInfo(InternalSharedPtr<detail::TaskInfo> impl)#

Construct a TaskInfo.


impl – A pointer to the implementation class.

std::string_view name() const#

The name of the task.

std::optional<VariantInfo> find_variant(VariantCode vid) const#

Look up a variant of the task.

See also



vid – The variant to look up.


An optional containing the VariantInfo for the variant, or std::nullopt if the variant was not found.

void add_variant_(
const Library &library,
VariantCode vid,
VariantImpl body,
Processor::TaskFuncPtr entry,
const VariantOptions *decl_options,
const std::map<VariantCode, VariantOptions> &registration_options = {},

Register a new variant to the task description.

  • library – The library to retrieve the default variant options from.

  • vid – The variant type to register.

  • body – The variant function pointer.

  • entry – The pointer to the entry point wrapping body, to be passed to Legion.

  • decl_options – Any variant options declared in the task declaration, or nullptr if none were found.

  • registration_options – Variant options specified at task registration time.

template<typename T>
void add_variant_(
const Library &library,
VariantCode vid,
LegionVariantImpl<T> body,
Processor::TaskFuncPtr entry,
const VariantOptions *decl_options,
const std::map<VariantCode, VariantOptions> &registration_options = {},

Register a new variant to the task description.

  • library – The library to retrieve the default variant options from.

  • vid – The variant type to register.

  • body – The variant function pointer.

  • entry – The pointer to the entry point wrapping body, to be passed to Legion.

  • decl_options – Any variant options declared in the task declaration, or nullptr if none were found.

  • registration_options – Variant options specified at task registration time.

std::string to_string() const#

A human-readable representation of the Task.

inline const SharedPtr<detail::TaskInfo> &impl() const#

The private implementation pointer.

class AddVariantKey#
class VariantInfo#
#include <legate/task/variant_info.h>

A class describing the various properties of a task variant.

Public Functions

const VariantOptions &options() const noexcept#

See also



Get the variant options sets for this variant.

class VariantOptions#
#include <legate/task/variant_options.h>

A helper class for specifying variant options.

Public Functions

VariantOptions &with_concurrent(bool concurrent)#

Changes the value of the concurrent flag.


`concurrent` – A new value for the concurrent flag

VariantOptions &with_has_allocations(bool has_allocations)#

Changes the value of the has_allocations flag.


`has_allocations` – A new value for the has_allocations flag

VariantOptions &with_elide_device_ctx_sync(bool elide_sync)#

Sets whether the variant can elide device context synchronization after task completion.


`elide_sync`true if this variant can skip synchronizing the device context after task completion, false otherwise.


reference to this.

VariantOptions &with_has_side_effect(bool side_effect)#

Sets whether the variant has side effects.

See also



side_effecttrue if the task has side-effects, false otherwise.


reference to this.

VariantOptions &with_may_throw_exception(bool may_throw)#

Sets whether the variant may throw exceptions.


may_throwtrue if the variant may throw exceptions, false otherwise.


reference to this.

inline VariantOptions &with_communicators(
std::initializer_list<std::string_view> comms,
) noexcept#

Sets the communicator(s) for the variant.

This call implies concurrent = true as well.

The VariantOptions does not take ownership of comms in any way. If comms are not constructed from a string-literal, or some other object with static storage duration, then the user must ensure that the string(s) outlives this object.

Due to limitations with constexpr in C++17, the user may register at most MAX_COMMS number of communicators. This restriction is expected to be lifted in the future.

See also



comms – The communicator(s) to use.


reference to this.

void populate_registrar(
Legion::TaskVariantRegistrar &registrar,
) const#

Populate a Legion::TaskVariantRegistrar using the options contained.


registrar – The registrar to fill out.

Public Members

bool concurrent = {false}#

If the flag is true, the variant needs a concurrent task launch. false by default.

bool has_allocations = {false}#

If the flag is true, the variant is allowed to create buffers (temporary or output) during execution. false by default.

bool elide_device_ctx_sync = {}#

Whether this variant can skip device context synchronization after completion.

Normally, for device-enabled task variants, Legate will emit a device-wide barrier to ensure that all outstanding (potentially asynchronous) work performed by the variant has completed. However, if the task launches no such work, or if that work is launched using the task-specific device streams, then such a context synchronization is not necessary.

Setting this value to true ensures that no context synchronization is performed. Setting it to false guarantees that a context synchronization is done.

Has no effect on non-device variants (for example CPU variants).

bool has_side_effect = {}#

Indicate whether a task has side effects outside of the runtime’s tracking that forbid it from replicated a task.

When a task only takes scalar stores, it gets replicated by default on all the ranks, as that’s more efficient than having only one of the ranks run it and broadcast the results.

However, sometimes a task may have “side effects” (which are outside the runtime’s tracking) which should otherwise forbid the runtime from replicating a particular variant.

For example, the task may write something to disk, or effect some other kind of permanent change to the system. In these cases the runtime must not replicate the task, as the effect must occur exactly once.

bool may_throw_exception = {}#

Whether this variant may throw an exception.

Tasks that throw exception must be handled specially by the runtime in order to safely and correctly propagate the thrown exceptions. For this reason, tasks must explicitly declare whether they throw an exception.


This special handling usually comes with severe performance penalties. For example, the runtime may block the calling thread (i.e. the main thread) on the completion of the possibly throwing task, or may opt not to schedule any other tasks concurrently.


It is highly recommended that tasks do not throw exceptions, and instead indicate an error state using some other way. Exceptions should be used as an absolute last resort.

std::optional<std::array<std::string_view, MAX_COMMS>> communicators = {}#

The communicator(s) to be used by the variant, or std::nullopt if no communicator is to be used.

Setting this to anything other than std::nullopt implies concurrent to be true.

Public Static Attributes

static auto MAX_COMMS = 3#

The maximum number of communicators allowed per variant.

This is a workaround for insufficient constexpr support in C++17 and will be removed in a future release.