
class cunumeric.random.Generator(bit_generator)#

Container for the BitGenerators.

Generator exposes a number of methods for generating random numbers drawn from a variety of probability distributions. In addition to the distribution-specific arguments, each method takes a keyword argument size that defaults to None. If size is None, then a single value is generated and returned. If size is an integer, then a 1-D array filled with generated values is returned. If size is a tuple, then an array with that shape is filled and returned.

The function numpy.random.default_rng() will instantiate a Generator with numpy’s default BitGenerator.

No Compatibility Guarantee

Generator does not provide a version compatibility guarantee. In particular, as better algorithms evolve the bit stream may change.


bit_generator (BitGenerator) – BitGenerator to use as the core generator.


The Python stdlib module random contains pseudo-random number generator with a number of methods that are similar to the ones available in Generator. It uses Mersenne Twister, and this bit generator can be accessed using MT19937. Generator, besides being NumPy-aware, has the advantage that it provides a much larger number of probability distributions to choose from.


>>> from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64
>>> rng = Generator(PCG64())
>>> rng.standard_normal()
-0.203  # random

See also


Recommended constructor for Generator.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)#
