
The underlying Legate runtime has many options for configuring the details of execution.

How to specify configuration#

Legate driver#

When using the legate driver, it is possible to pass most configuration options via the command line, as long as they appear before the script to run:

legate <legate options> <script options>

For example to configure the CPUs and system memory per rank, you could execute:

legate --cpus 2 --sysmem 8000

It is also possible to pass these configuration options using the LEGATE_CONFIG environment variable as shown below:

LEGATE_CONFIG="--cpus 2 --sysmem 8000" legate


Options provided via LEGATE_CONFIG have lower precedence than arguments passed directly on the command line.

Standard Python#

When invoking scripts using the standard Python interpreter, rather that the legate driver, then configuration options must be passed using the environment variable:

LEGATE_CONFIG="--cpus 2 --sysmem 8000" python

Configuration scenarios#

The sections below describe some of the common legate configuration options and when you might use them. For a complete list of options, exectute the command legate --help.

Resource allocation#

--cpus CPUS

Number of CPUs to use per rank (default: 4)

--gpus GPUS

Number of OpenMP groups to use per rank (default: 0)

--utility UTILITY

Number of Utility processors per rank to request for meta-work (default: 2)

--sysmem SYSMEM

Amount of DRAM memory per rank (in MBs) (default: 4000)

--fbmem FBMEM

Amount of framebuffer memory per GPU (in MBs) (default: 4000)

Multi-node execution#

When using the legate driver, the configuration options below can be used to launch cunumeric code for multi-node execution.

--nodes NODES

Number of nodes to use (default: 1)

--ranks-per-node RANKS_PER_NODE

Number of ranks (processes running copies of the program) to launch per node. The default (1 rank per node) will typically result in the best performance. (default: 1)

--launcher LAUNCHER

{mpirun,jsrun,srun,none} launcher program to use (set to “none” for local runs, or if the launch has already happened by the time legate is invoked), [legate-only, not supported with standard Python invocation] (default: none)

--launcher-extra LAUNCHER_EXTRA

Additional argument to pass to the launcher (can appear more than once). Multiple arguments may be provided together in a quoted string (arguments with spaces inside must be additionally quoted), [legate-only, not supported with standard Python invocation] (default: [])