Comparison Table ================ Here is a list of NumPy APIs and corresponding cuNumeric implementations. A dot in the cunumeric column denotes that cuNumeric implementation is not provided yet. We welcome contributions for these functions. NumPy vs cuNumeric APIs ----------------------- .. comparison-table:: Measuring API coverage ---------------------- When running applications that use cunumeric, various command line options may be used to generate coverage reports. Overall coverage report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command line flag ``-cunumeric:report:coverage`` may be added to print an overall percentage of cunumeric coverage: .. code-block:: sh legate -cunumeric:report:coverage After execution completes, the percentage of NumPy API calls that were handled by cunumeric is printed: .. code-block:: cuNumeric API coverage: 26/26 (100.0%) Detailed coverage report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command line flag ``-cunumeric:report:dump-csv`` may be added to save a detailed coverage report: .. code-block:: sh legate -cunumeric:report:dump-csv out.csv After execution completes, a CSV file will be saved to the specified location (in this case ``out.csv``). The file shows exactly what NumPy API functions were called, whether the are implemented by cunumeric, and the location of the call site: .. code-block:: function_name,location,implemented numpy.array,tests/,True numpy.ndarray.__init__,tests/,True numpy.array,tests/,True numpy.ndarray.__init__,tests/,True,tests/,True numpy.ndarray.__init__,tests/,True numpy.allclose,tests/,True numpy.ndarray.__init__,tests/,True Call stack reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The command line flag ``-cunumeric:report:dump-callstack`` may be added to include full call stack information in a CSV report: .. code-block:: sh legate -cunumeric:report:dump-callstack -cunumeric:report:dump-csv out.csv After execution completes, the CSV output file have full call stack information in the location column, with individual stack frames separated by pipe (``|``) characters: Zero code-change patching ------------------------- The ``lgpatch`` script in the same location as the ``legate`` executable) can help facilitate quick demonstrations of ``cunumeric`` on existing codebases that make use of ``numpy``. To use this tool, invoke it as shown below, with the name of the program to patch: .. code-block:: sh lgpatch -patch numpy For example, here is a small ```` program that imports and uses various ``numpy`` funtions: .. code-block:: python # import numpy as np input = np.eye(10, dtype=np.float32) np.linalg.cholesky(input) You can invoke ``lgpatch`` to run ```` using ``cunumeric`` functions instead, without any changes to the original source code. Any standard ``cunumeric`` runtime options (e.g. for coverage reporting) may also be added: .. code-block:: sh $ lgpatch -patch numpy -cunumeric:report:coverage cuNumeric API coverage: 4/4 (100.0%)